Glenda Gilmore and Her Legacy
Adriane D. Lentz-Smith. Freedom Struggles: African Americans and World War I. Harvard UP, 2009.
Alison C. Greene. No Depression in Heaven: The Great Depression, the New Deal, and the Transformation of Religion in the Delta. New York: Oxford UP, 2009, 2015.
Anders Walker. The Ghost of Jim Crow: How Southern Moderates Used Brown v. Board of Education to Stall Civil Rights. New York: Oxford UP, 2009.
April Merleaux. Sugar and Civilization: American Empire and the Cultural Politics of Sweetness. UNC Press, 2015.
Beth Linker. War’s Waste: Rehabilitation in World War I America. University of Chicago Press, 2011.
Bethany Moreton. To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise. Harvard UP, 2009.
Betty Livingston Adams. Black Women’s Christian Activism: Seeking Social Justice in a Northern Suburb. NYU Press, 2016.
Emily E. Landau. Spectacular Wickedness: Sex, Race, and Memory in Storyville. New Orleans. LSU Press, 2013.
Françoise N. Hamlin. Crossroads at Clarksdale: The Black Freedom Struggle in the Mississippi Delta after World War II. UNC Press, 2012.
Heather A. Williams. Self-Taught: African American Education in Slavery and Freedom. Chapel Hill: UNC Press, 2005.
Helen Z. Veit. Modern Food, Moral Food: Self-Control, Science, and the Rise of Modern American Eating in the Early Twentieth Century. UNC Press, 2013.
James B. Bennett. Religion and the Rise of Jim Crow in New Orleans. Princeton UP, 2005.
Jason M. Ward. Defending White Democracy: The Making of a Segregationist Movement and the Remaking of Racial Politics, 1936-1965. UNC Press, 2011.
Jed H. Shugerman. The People’s Courts: Pursuing Judicial Independence in America. Harvard UP, 2012.
Jeffrey D. Gonda. Unjust Deeds: The Restrictive Covenant Cases and the Making of the Civil Rights Movement. UNC Press, 2015.
John F. Witt. The Accidental Republic: Crippled Workingmen, Destitute Widows, and the Remaking of American Law. Harvard UP, 2004.
Julia Guarneri. Newsprint Metropolis: City Papers and the Making of Modern Americans. University of Chicago Press, 2017.
Julia Irwin. Making the World Safe: The American Red Cross and a Nation’s Humanitarian Awakening. Oxford UP, 2013.
Julie M. Weise. Corazón de Dixie: Mexicanos in the US South Since 1910. UNC Press, 2015.
K. Stephen Prince. Stories of the South: Race and the Reconstruction of Southern Identity, 1865-1915. UNC Press, 2014.
Katherine M. Charron. Freedom’s Teacher: The Life of Septima Clark. UNC Press, 2009.
Kathleen A. Clark. Defining Moments: African American Commemoration and Political Culture in the South, 1863-1913. UNC Press, 2005.
Leigh Raiford. Imprisoned in a Luminous Glare: Photography and the African American Freedom Struggle. UNC Press, 2011.
Mark Krasovic. The Newark Frontier: Community Action in the Great Society. University of Chicago Press, 2016.
R. Blakeslee Gilpin. John Brown Still Lives!: America’s Long Reckoning with Violence, Equality, & Change. UNC Press, 2011.
Robert Perkinson. Texas Tough: The Rise of America’s Prison Empire. Metropolitan Books, 2010.
Sarah Haley. No Mercy Here: Gender, Punishment, and the Making of Jim Crow Modernity. UNC Press Books, 2016.
Sarah-Jane Mathieu. North of the Color Line: Migration and Black Resistance in Canada, 1870-1955. UNC Press, 2010.
Sarah Jo Peterson. Planning the Home Front: Building Bombers and Communities at Willow Run. University of Chicago Press, 2013.
Serena Mayeri. Reasoning From Race: Feminism, Law, and the Civil Rights Revolution. Harvard UP, 2011.
Sophia Z. Lee. The Workplace Constitution from the New Deal to the New Right. Cambridge UP, 2014.
Tammy Ingram. Dixie Highway: Road Building and the Making of the Modern South, 1900-1930. UNC Press, 2014.
Tanya Hart. Health in the City: Race, Poverty, and the Negotiation of Women’s Health in New York City, 1915–1930. NYU Press, 2015.
Theresa Runstedtler. Jack Johnson, Rebel Sojourner: Boxing in the Shadow of the Global Color Line. University of California Press, 2012.
Books written and co-edited by Glenda Gilmore
Gilmore, Glenda Elizabeth, and Thomas J. Sugrue. These United States: A Nation in the Making: 1890 to the Present. Norton, 2015.
Glenda E. Gilmore. Gender and Jim Crow: Women and the Politics of White Supremacy in North Carolina, 1896-1920. UNC Press, 2013.
Glenda E. Gilmore. Defying Dixie: The Radical Roots of Civil Rights, 1919-1950. Norton, 2009.
Glenda E. Gilmore, ed. Who Were the Progressives? George Washington UP, 2002.
Jane Dailey, Glenda E. Gilmore, and Simon Bryant, eds. Jumpin’ Jim Crow: Southern Politics from Civil War to Civil Rights. Princeton UP, 2000.