Feimster NYT Op-Ed: “Rape and Justice in the Civil War”

Crystal Feimster

New York Times op-ed by Crystal Feimster, “Rape and Justice in the Civil War” reveals the legal recourse that offered women protections against a wartime standard that tolerated sexual assault against women with impunity:  “A close examination of cases involving the rape of black women reveals that, while black women may have been particularly vulnerable to wartime rape, the Lieber Code brought them for the first time under the umbrella of legal protection. In fact, some black women were able to mobilize miltary law to their advantage.” 

“Rape and Justice in the Civil War,” New York Times “Opinionator,” by Crystal Feimster, Friday, April 26, 2013. http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/04/25/rape-and-justice-in-the-…

View Crystal Feimster’s faculty page: http://afamstudies.yale.edu/faculty/crystal-feimster

Revised June 20, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013